BAN Mentor Tool Kit
The Ban Mentorship Tool Kit is designed to be a starting point in tailoring a mentorship program that will meet both the mentor and mentee's needs. Mentors are encouraged to review the tool kit resources to help them prepare for engaging in the mentor/mentee partnership.
Alumni mentors and their mentees develop their own goals and objectives for their partnership; however we suggest the following activities:
Mentor and mentee developing a Mentoring Action Plan that includes overall goals, action steps, timelines, and activities
Mentorand their mentee talking, e-mailing, or meeting monthly on their own times
Mentor hosting mentee for a job-shadowing day so that the student has a chance to gain an inside look at their career field and the role they play
Mentors can work with mentees with resume review, professional attire/behavior, networking, job shadowing, industry or profession‐specific knowledge, and interview skills.
"According to David Hutchins, Society for Human Resources Management, "The mentoring relationship has as its core purpose the professional development of the protégé through the counsel and guidance of the mentor." This can best be achieved through thoughtful goal setting and planning."
"Effective verbal and nonverbal communication is paramount to the success of the mentoring relationship. Mentors have the responsibility for effective communication because they are the primary source of support and challenge to the mentees."
New to mentoring relationships? Unsure where to start? The Building Effective Mentoring Partnerships is an easy, reference source to guide you through mentor roles, responsibilities, and useful activities to make the most of the mentor-mentee relationship.
A tool that help mentors and mentees to get to know one other. Mentees can share their professional and personal histories to find similarities and differences. Mentors can cover specific information on what they do at work and what their position means in the organization. This tool also help mentors capture mentees expectations and develop goals and an action plan for the relationship.
" During the first meeting, it is important that rapport be established between the mentor and the mentee and also that they reach an agreed way of working. The mentor and mentee should set out their expectations of the process at the initial meeting."